Sunday 15 February 2015

Our God

God amazes me. I see more and more what the psalmist meant when he talks about God's ways being too much; too lofty for me to understand. This big and awesome God cannot be described using mere words. He can only be experienced and even then, only in small doses because all of His GLORY is is too much for us. It terrified the Israelites; it is the presence that brings us to our knees; His HOLINESS, His WONDER, His LOVE is simply too much for us to fathom so He lets us have Him in dozes we can handle. This MIGHTY God who loves us simply because it is who He is. He gives us drops of Himself and we are overwhelmed from it. He that is more than enough not just for me but for every single one of the several billion people on this earth. I don't get this God that is so HOLY, so set apart from us yet He chooses to have a relationship with each person. It's a bit (very very little bit) like a human choosing to commune with ants, to know each by name to love them, to see to their needs... it sounds too ridiculous to even understand , yet He chooses to do so with us; to call us sons and daughters. God's son is Jesus Christ who is fully God in His very essence and person and yet God the Father chooses to elevate us to that very same level? To call us sons and daughters, to even makes us co-heirs; to allow us to call Him father, Abba. We can never fully understand what those privileges mean because that gesture of LOVE and ACCEPTANCE is too big for us. We don't know that kind of LOVE. We don't deserve that kind of LOVE. Kings are meant to Lord it over us. WE don't know this GIVING LOVE; we don't know this SELF-SACRIFICING AUTHORITY; we don't know this SERVANT LEADERSHIP. It is simply too simple, too foreign in its goodness. Yet what little we do understand of this MAGNIFICENT GOD cripples us. It stops us in our tracks, it changes our entire lives; it turns our world upside down and makes simple fishermen and laymen look like drunks and then eloquent speakers. I can see why we would doubt the existence of such a God that is simply 'too good to be true'. Yet GOOD and simply so by His very nature is what He is. We learn very quickly that LOVE is not our version of love; and what is GOOD is simply impossible for us to achieve alone and thus comprehend. This is the God that allows us to know Him and serve Him. This God that not only orchestrated the greatest jail break in history by taking our place on the judgement seat and choosing to die instead of us, but also pours out His very essence, His Holy Spirit into us. How something so precious can be placed in such unworthy vessels is completely beyond our understanding. He goes far above and beyond because HE IS THAT GOD. Not one of those in myths; not another handsome demi-god performing small physical feats that are too hard for humans; He IS THE ONE AND ONLY GOD doing things that only He can do. The kind of God that not even humans could create because HIS WAYS go beyond our logic and imagination. God the Father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit; three but one, the Triune God. This is God and one day all creation, every single knee (living and dead) will bow before God, not because He is any less now than He will be then, but because He will reveal enough of Himself that we will no longer excuse His glory for other things; it shall be undeniable. You see, He is not a sentiment; He is not a comforting bedtime story; He is not a nice belief; He is not an old wive's tale; He is not a figment of man's imagination; He is not a means to an end. HE IS LOVE, HE IS GOOD, HE IS WISDOM, HE IS BEYOND TIME, HE IS THE UNCREATED CREATOR, HE IS SOVEREIGN, HE IS JUST, HE IS MERCIFUL, HE IS EVERYWHERE, HE IS ETERNAL, HE IS AWESOME and not in the pop culture reference, but as one who leaves us all in complete and total AWE of His being. HE IS; whether or not we acknowledge it. He allows us to choose to ignore Him or serve Him, but one day we will have made a choice. Regardless, EVERY KNEE WILL BOW BEFORE HIM; whether it will be for the first time in fear and terror or as a usual gesture of submission before our KING and FATHER, will be up to you. YOU CHOOSE 

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