Wednesday 28 September 2011

Moment After Dark

I hate this moment.
This moment before I fall asleep,
Just after life's complications are put on hold till tomorrow,
with little post-its writen
'do not open till morning'.
This moment before sleep comes to send me on a journey,
where burdens are light and life is alright.
That deep slumber that's so heavy from exhaustion,
that it seems I'll never awake again.
I hate this moment most of all moments in time.
It's when my defenses are at their weakest.
My guards have fallen asleep
and my little hamster has stepped of its wheel.
It's at this moment when i long to forget the day,
That those tiny thoughts come creeping in.
Sneaky little bastards they are,
they slither in and pounce on me,
like a lioness does her prey.
These very thoughts that I'd imprisoned and ignored,
These very thoughts that I'd confined in the deep, dark, dungeons,
Run loose wreacking havoc on my weary soul.
Like drunken college kids on a Thursday night,
THey muck about the place like they own this town.
Well, they do, for one moment in the day,
they get to run free.
They get to sit in the driver's seat.
And I just lie here helplessly,
Willing sweet slumber to come to my aid,
Praying that the dream Angel would hasten his step,
and bring relief to this tired heart of mine.
Because they taunt her with dreams that never will be,
teasing her mercilessly with bitter-sweet memories.
They break her flaunting wishes that will never be granted,
and guilt her with shame from what once was.
They pick at her scars from battles fought long ago,
poking their little fingers into the depths of her hurt.
Be still my aching heart,
for slumber comes to lock away your terrors.
Find peace until tomorow night,
When once again they'll roam free.
Rest though, my dear, you poor little thing,
and know that it is for but a moment they reign,
and but a moment each day you have to endure.
I know you're strong,
You'll get through it.
Just take it one moment at a time.

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