Thursday 29 September 2011


I like to say that I live a life without regrets. I even say that I never regret anything I have done and all this is the lie I tell myself because without it, I'd die inside. I like to think that whatever do for whatever reason it is that I do it, that I made the right decidion at that time considering the circunstances. And that in itself is true. I think that when you begin to doubt yourself, it is the beginning of the undoing of you. That is just the way life is. I once liked questoining each and every move I made and the burden of having to keep going over your own thoughts is quite tasking.
But truth be told, most of my regrets are some that some one else didn't do something. I can't truly say I have no regrets from my own actions, but when it was a situation about myself and someone else, well, that's where my regrets / 'if only's / 'I wish's lie. Yeah, but we really can never control other people's actions. I once wrote (#awesomefacebookupdates) that 'Living a life without regrets is not about not looking back and regreting anything you did, but its about not doing anything you'll regret later.' I read somewhere that 'Good times make good memories and Bad times make good lessons' That, to me, is how we should look at life. It's more like being grateful for the good decisions that you make and when the decision turns out not to have been such a great idea, then ;
1. Own your decision and mistkake and accept the consequences just as quickly as you would accept a reward for your good decision.
2. Learn the lesson.
Learning the lesson is key because it means that the mistake was not made in vain. I'd like to think that I'm this really self-actualized person who lived a perfect life but truth is there are moments that I look back and I think 'I wish I'd done things differently' or 'If I could go back I'd change this and that' Yet the truth is that in some of those times I didn't know any better then and that the innocence in me would be forever lost if I were to have known to act differently. So I dare to thank God that I didn't know better.
and as for those times I did know better and still acted,well, to those moments I say 'That was fun' and 'No stains no learning' ;)
So to all those thoughts of regret that keep creeping around in my head, mshindwe coz I'm happy. I can ony control what I do not what I did and so far, so good. Thanks to God for that.

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